
Ewald Vorberg

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The passionate photographer Ewald Vorberg from Freiburg is a natural scientist who has developed his enthusiasm for photography into a sophisticated and versatile art form. In his work, he places great emphasis on creating images that not only arouse fleeting interest, but also evoke deeper emotions and thoughts. In doing so, he follows his own unique path, driven by curiosity and the urge to express himself creatively.

Ewald's photography is a fascinating blend of modern and traditional techniques. He uses a wide variety of equipment, from small smartphones to full and medium format cameras to classic large format cameras. Ewald sees himself as a photographic craftsman rather than an artist, which is reflected in his meticulous and methodical way of working. His professionally equipped studio serves not only as a shooting location, but also as a laboratory and workshop where he prints, analogizes and frames his work.

This combination of craftsmanship and artistic ambition gives his images a unique depth and authenticity. A particular feature of his work is the use of historic photographic techniques, which enable him to create images that are distinctly different from today's digital photography. Find out more in the gallery images.

Ewald's path to photography has been largely autodidactic, although he has continued to study. He attended courses at the Fotoakademie Westfalen and deepened his knowledge in a workshop with renowned photographer Thorsten Jankowski. Since 2017, Ewald has worked several times with Rainer Gillessen, expanding his knowledge and skills. He particularly enjoys working with people, which is reflected in his emotional portraits, fashion and nude photography.

He finds working with people a challenging but extremely satisfying task. He finds it particularly satisfying to create a picture from nothing. His images are therefore not only technically precise, but also emotionally profound.

Overall, Ewald stands for photography that combines craftsmanship with a deep understanding of the art of image composition. His work is an invitation to see the world through his eyes, whether through the lens of modern technology or the carefully cultivated techniques of yesteryear.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: "Good old analogue photography and modern digital technology do not have to compete, but can complement each other. Ewald Vorberg shows us this very clearly with his images. He is a true master, a photographic artist who uses a variety of styles and skilfully combines them to create something creative and extraordinary. We are more than impressed by his work, which stands out so beautifully from the crowd. We marvel at rare or never-before-seen works from seemingly different times, times when photography was created and developed. Looking at his work is an exciting journey full of surprises and inspiration. Although he does not call himself an artist, his work is photographic art of the highest order, inspiring in its uniqueness and depth. Rating: Very Valuable!

More information about Ewald Vorberg and pictures of his work can be found on his website at ewaldvorberg.de.


Necessary note on the subject of "buttocks and breasts" on the Internet: Dear young visitor. If you are not yet 16 years old, unfortunately you are not allowed to view these artistic and sensual photos. Please leave this site now. Alternatively you can go to a public swimming pool, there you will surely find enough women with naked torso. Or look at the lightly clothed girls on the billboards in the city. That is also allowed. Not here! Please close your eyes immediately and scream for help ...

Images 1 - 5: Collodion wet plate photography | Images 6 - 10: Remote shooting

Ewald uses a variety of shooting techniques, often in combination. The following techniques were used for the images in the gallery:

Collodion Wet Plate Photography - This technique dates back to the 19th century and is known for its complex process. A glass or metal plate (usually aluminum) is coated with a collodion solution, sensitized, and exposed directly while wet. This process produces images with exceptional detail and a unique, almost ethereal character.

Instant Photo Capture - It allows pictures to be developed immediately after they are taken. Ewald uses this technique to give his images a specific character.

Contact prints on watercolor paper - The negatives are copied directly onto watercolor paper, giving the images a special texture and painterly character. This technique combines photographic accuracy with the soft aesthetic of traditional painting. (ausgeblendet)

Infrared Photography - This technique uses light in the infrared spectrum, which is invisible to the human eye, to create images with a surreal or dreamlike effect. It can be used to create landscapes and portraits that seem to come from another world. (ausgeblendet)

Remote Shoot - A modern way of working in which Ewald conducts photo shoots remotely, often via the Internet. This method allows him to photograph people in different geographical locations and explore new creative possibilities.

Hipstamatic - This is an app-based photography that makes it possible to give digital images a nostalgic, analog look. Ewald uses this method to build a bridge between past and present aesthetics. (ausgeblendet)