
Massimo Lupidi

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Italian nature photographer Massimo Lupidi is a self-taught photographer specializing in aerial and landscape photography. His photographic experience dates back to the early 1990s and his images have been published in numerous exhibitions, magazines, brochures and books.

Massimo's work is characterised by an eye for exciting detail, an ability to see the extraordinary in the everyday and an innovative choice of perspective. He is particularly passionate about aerial photography, using microlights, helicopters and paragliders to shoot from great heights. These aerial shots offer a completely new perspective and show the power and reality of nature in a fascinating way that is often not perceived from the ground.

Through his lens, Massimo invites us to explore nature and its breathtaking landscapes in a profound and aesthetic way, and to see the world in a new light. Massimo loves the magic of detail as well as vast landscapes and large structures. He often seeks out subjects that are inconspicuous to the naked eye, and only become exciting through special perspectives or lighting conditions.

Massimo is an outstanding European photographer who was awarded the international United Nations 'Focus on Your World' competition during the 1992 Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) in Rio de Janeiro. This honour recognises his importance on the global photographic scene and his commitment to capturing the essence of our ever-changing world.

His work has been published in many prestigious publications including Fotopratica, Reflex, Royal Photographic Society, Harper Collins, National Geographic and many others. Massimo's photographs provide not only visual pleasure, but also a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around us. The affable photographer has long recognized that we often only protect what we have learned to appreciate.

The book ICELAND – VISIONS OF EARTH is published in three languages. It brings this unique island to life in a very special way. It features abstract works of art photographed from the air, as well as landscapes on the ground that reflect Iceland's diverse moods in their typical play of color and light.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: Massimo's photography allows us to see the world from new, mostly unknown angles and to enjoy the beauty of our natural world in all its fullness. We admire colorful, surreal landscapes from a bird's eye view in all their splendor, but also fascinating structures with fine details. It is this variety, together with the very high brilliance of his photographs, that impresses us most. We see abstract works of art that only our unique nature can create. This is atmospheric and extraordinary photography at the highest level.

You can find more pictures and information about Massimo Lupidi on his website www.massimolupidi.com and on the following social media channels: Instagram, Linkedin, Vimeo, Artmajeur and Saatcho Gallery.
