
Olivier Springer

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Wiesbaden-based people photographer Olivier Springer was born in 1965 at the foot of the Luberon in the south of France and spent part of his childhood in France before studying art history, Romance studies and economics in Germany. Despite his academic training, he switched early to the IT industry, where he has worked in various sales roles for over 30 years.

He developed his passion for photography in the 1970s, influenced by his grandfather and stepfather, who introduced him to classic analogue photography. As a young man, he used photography as a source of inspiration for his paintings and drawings, drawing inspiration from Max Ernst and his collage technique.

Olivier discovered portrait photography in the 1990s before turning to digital photography in the early 2000s. He was inspired by classic photographers such as Frank Horvat and Peter Lindbergh. Despite the digital shift, he still appreciates classic photography and keeps film in his fridge.

He specialises in sensual portrait, boudoir and street photography. For him, the face, the expression and the lighting are more important than bare skin. Photography is not only Olivier's passion, but also his mission to capture moments and emotions for eternity. He sees it as a means of communication and is fascinated by the possibility of telling stories through his images. He constantly asks himself fundamental questions: What does he want to achieve with his images? Where do they belong? Is it worth the effort? Will the viewer recognise what he is trying to say? These considerations guide his creative process, and this constant self-reflection gives his work a particular depth and authenticity.

For Olivier, boudoir photography is central - a meditative subject - quiet and intimate. Sensuality is emphasized, not just nudity. As opposed to pure eroticism, boudoir is closer to classic fashion photography. The subject is not degraded to a mere object. Rather, the aim is to portray elegance, dignity and pride. Olivier strives to capture his models in all their beauty and personality, creating an atmosphere of grace and sophistication. In his boudoir photography, however, he is not only concerned with aesthetic representation, but also with capturing the emotional depth and inner strength of his models.

While social networking sites play a subordinate role for him, Olivier prefers exhibitions and books as presentation media in order to bring out the full effect of his images. His work has been featured in various photography magazines, he has published several illustrated books and won several awards in the field of boudoir photography. All of this reflects his impressive photographic career and skills.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: Olivier Springer expresses the diversity of sensual photography with his unique perspective and creativity. His sensitive images clearly distinguish him from other people and boudoir photographers. Cleverly chosen lighting moods create strong emotions, the absence of too much naked skin stimulates the imagination and emphasizes sensuality. People are not exposed, but elegantly and gracefully staged. This is portrait photography at its best, and we are more than excited about Olivier's work!

More information and photos of Olivier Springer are available on his website portraitandmore.de and his Instagram account @olivier_springer as well as on STRKNG. For an overview of Olivier's illustrated books, visit his web shop.


Necessary note on the subject of "buttocks and breasts" on the Internet: Dear young visitor. If you are not yet 16 years old, unfortunately you are not allowed to view these artistic and sensual photos. Please leave this site now. Alternatively you can go to a public swimming pool, there you will surely find enough women with naked torso. Or look at the lightly clothed girls on the billboards in the city. That is also allowed. Not here! Please close your eyes immediately and scream for help ...


People in this gallery:

Cover image Nakriko (@nakriko_)

(@anna_grabowska6) Anna
(@joy_draiki) Joy
(@dddomini) Domini
(@supersonka.forever) Sofi Ka
(@anato_mo) Anato Mo

Iryna (@irynaberdnyk)
Joy (@joy_draiki)
Massi (@massi_matgil)
Nakriko (@nakriko_)
Madeline (@madelineqetesh)

Anna (@anna_grabowska6)
Joy (@joy_draiki)
Domini (@dddomini)
Sofi Ka (@supersonka.forever)
Anato Mo (@anato_mo)
Iryna (@irynaberdnyk)
Joy (@joy_draiki)
Massi (@massi_matgil)
Nakriko (@nakriko_)
Madeline (@madelineqetesh)