
Uwe Schellscheidt

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Uwe Schellscheidt was born in 1963 and lives in Ratingen near Düsseldorf. Photography has been a part of his life and has fascinated him from the beginning. At first he took analog photographs, mostly with Nikon cameras, and in the late 1980s he even went on a trip to Iceland with a Hasselblad. Over the years, Uwe has tried a variety of photographic techniques and cameras, including real panoramic cameras. He also produced slide shows with two projectors, but mostly for home use.

At first, Uwe didn't have much use for digital technology. But as cameras got better and photo editing software became available, his attitude changed. The turning point came in 2017, when he went on his first photo trip with a professional photographer. This experience took his pictures to a new level and led to the purchase of new and better equipment.

Since then, photography has been an integral part of his life, usually with his wife. He always learns something new and looks forward to the next adventure. It is a passionate joy that keeps him going and allows him to break new ground photographically.

Uwe's original focus was on landscape photography, but he now photographs a wide range of subjects. Whether macro photography, people and street photography, ICM (Intentional Camera Movement), animal and architectural photography or fairground and fireworks photography - Uwe is at home in all areas.

A special experience was a photography workshop in Dubai, where he had to leave his comfort zone and photograph people in different situations in the studio. The latest camera technology now allows him to photograph birds, which he really enjoys. At 10Photos, Uwe limits himself to landscape and architectural photography.

[ Text 10Photos, based on information from Uwe Schellscheidt ]

10Photos says: Uwe Schellscheidt stands for versatile and high quality photography that is constantly improving through constant learning and experimentation. His passion and commitment are reflected in his stunning images, which not only show his technical skills, but also his fascinating view of the world. But it is not only the quality, but also the creativity and versatility of his work that inspires us. Uwe undoubtedly has an eye for the extraordinary and proves time and again that photography can be exciting and entertaining at the same time. Uwe looks forward to every new trip, and we look forward to every new picture he takes.

Please visit www.traum-blicke-fotografie.de for more pictures and information from Uwe Schellscheidt.

